New Greek Air Force – EKAB Leonardo AW-109 Trekker delivered

by Mar 2, 2021News

Greek Air Force

Questa mattina da Vergiate, sono partiti i primi due Greek Air Force Leonardo AW-109 Trekker in consengna con scalo a Rimini. In precedenza questi due velivoli erano destinati alla Shanghai King Wing General Aviation Co. Ltd, che ha cessato le operazioni prima dell’avvenuta consegna.

Opereranno per National Centre of Emergency Help (EKAB), effettuando il servizio di Eliambulanza

This morning the first two Greek Air Force Leonardo AW-109 Trekker hase been delivered from Vergiate. This two helicopter was due to Shanghai King Wing General Aviation Co. Ltd, but it ceased its operations before the delivery.

They planned an initial stopover in Rimini befor the final destination in Greece. They will join the National Centre of Emergency Help (EKAB), as HEMS.