AW169 for MNRE Thailand Natural Resources Ministry

by Mar 30, 2022News

The MNRE Thailand (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) have ordered a Leonardo AW169. The helicopter was noted for the first time on Friday test flying in northern Italy wearing the full standard MNRE colour scheme.

MNRE Thailand
I-EASO c/n 69151

MNRE Thailand have the responsibility for the protection and restoration of the nation’s natural resources, including forests, water, oceans and minerals.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) has as its vision “to return the natural environment to the Thai people and to work towards the incorporation of natural resources and the environment in the Government’s national agenda as these provide the basis for social and economic development”.

The MONRE vision supports proactive integration of the administrative management of natural resources, environmental protection, and biological diversity, based on the principles of public participation and good governance.