Greek Master!

by Jan 7, 2021News

Leonardo M346 Master
Oggi Israele e Grecia hanno rilasciato un comunicato sull’intento di stipulare un accordo del valore di 1,68 miliardi, che include la fornitura di 10 Leonardo M346 Master e la fondazione di una scuola sulla base dell’Accademia israeliana.
Questo accordo dalla durata di 20 anni che sarà siglato dai rispettivi ministri della difesa, include anche la manutenzione e aggiornamento dei T-6 Texan is uso dalla forza aereo ellenica e la fornitura di simulatori con supporto tecnico.
On 5 January 2021, Israel and Greece released a statement that involves a government-to-government agreement, worth USD 1,68 billion that includes the procurement of ten Leonardo M346 Master jet trainers for the Hellenic Air Force (HAF, Greece Air Force) and the establishment of a flight school modelled on the Heyl Ha’Avir (IAF, Israeli Air Force) flight academy.
The 20-year life-span agreement, which will be signed by both defense ministries, includes the establishment and operation of a flight school for the HAF, by Elbit Systems Ltd. It also includes the maintenance and upgrades of T-6 Texan IIs in use by the Hellenic Air Force, as well as the provision of simulators, training, and logistic support. The Greek school will be equipped ten M346s that will be build by the Italian company, Leonardo.